Raise funds for your school or organization

Register your fundraiser Current fundraisers

Raise funds for your school or organization

Register your fundraiser Current fundraisers

Delicious chocolate-dipped apple fundraising for schools and clubs

Raise funds for your school or club with our paperless, and hassle-free online fundraising. All goods are delivered directly to customers.

  • Register

    Register your fundraiser and specify the dates you’d like to run your campaign. We will confirm the dates and prepare your landing page.

    Register today
  • Promote your page

    Share link to your page and earn 50% profit from every purchase. We will also social media graphics to help you spread the word online.

    See how it works

Our Products

Discover our delicious chocolate-dipped products

discover our Products

Why fundraise with us?

  • Hassle-free

    No more forms or product distribution. All orders are placed on our website and good will be delivered directly to the customer.

  • NO start-up fees

    Simply sign up and get started with Rocky Mountain Fundraising

  • 50% profit guarantee

    Do more with the money you earn from every order placed

  • NO minimum sales

    Unlike other fundraisers, there is no minimum sales requirement!